Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Random Thoughts:
Time: 21:30hrs
Location: On the way back home from work, in the cab
State of Mind: utter confusion

How confused are you? Lets see if you could beat me to it :P

" To blog about this or not " marks the beginning of this post :)

Confusion...ahem... what are talking about? :P

Jokes apart, if there is something that has been there for me all through my life, I must admit its "my confusion". For me, life has always been utter confusion and complete indecisiveness. It typically marks the beginning and end of my day. Its been there for me from times I can recollect, both my best friend and my worst enemy.
There have been times when my confusion has saved me from getting into trouble and there have also been times when it has cost me dearly. I don't complain of it or regret of it, for, I know its just a part of me, that has grown up with me (in me).
Question time: Am I confused that I'm confused about confusion or am I just confused by the confusion that I'm confused? (quite a recursive (confused) question eh?)

On that note,
Do I sign off? Or do I write more? Darn, confusion man.... endless confusion......

Let there be peace. .::V::.
Cheers to Life!
~confused M~